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探訪 聖士提反書院附屬小學 - Docent Scheme

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

後記 Docent Scheme 的反思: 1)學生需要舞台去成長 2)歷史文化需要有感染力的人去傳承 3)而真正被感動的原因是 : 真切感受到他們2個孩子真正喜歡這些文物的心。生於這個時代,確實有一丁點很不可思議的感覺:香港還有對歷史文物充滿passion 的年青人。看來,就是因為有這樣的一個Incubator,所以 也造就了這樣的人才。

提醒家長 《聖士提反書院附屬小學》是需要家長參與面試的。學校有試過舉行6-8位的家長討論,也有試過做 個別家庭面試。

關於Docent Scheme 的原文: The Saturday breeze is beautifully balmy and the sunshine is wonderfully warm. A group of around 20 of us set off from The Helena May heritage house to retrace the historical footprints of St. Stephen’s College. The College initiated a docent scheme in 2008 to allow the public to appreciate the heritage trail within the colleges' grounds. Two delightful docents, who are both Form 5 students, organise a 1.5-hour tour for us. The two gentlemen introduced to the Bell Plaza, the Black Christmas, Stephen’s Chapel, the Archive and the Military Cemetery. The students impressed us with their passion and enthusiasm. These colonial style architectures and memorial sites do not only represent the stories of St Stephen's College but also encapsulate the entire Hong Kong history.



AIK 小一升學結果:


English Playgroup:

AIK 學費:

學校現有校車線:荃灣線/九龍東線/大埔沙田線/ 油尖旺大角咀青衣線

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