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Writer's picture校監隨筆

香港李寶椿聯合書院 分享

胡校監以 校友代表 身份為 香港李寶椿聯合書院 作分享, 真正優質的教育,不只著重知識,更著重立身處世的智慧, 重視培育學生有面對逆境的勇氣 和 保持正向及仁義的心。

[Grit and Determination] United World College- Alum Impact: Vivian Wu on Grit and Determination Vivian Wu who graduated from Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWC) . She later founded the Aristle International Kindergarten.

A teacher both by heart and profession, Vivian admits that her years in LPCUWC were not all the time smooth. This led her to reflect on her own set of values, her cultural roots and even her priorities in life. But it was also in LPCUWC where Vivian became a stronger person, one who now teaches her pupils to face life with grit and determination.



AIK 小一升學結果:


English Playgroup:

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